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Where the Road Ends

Directed by Jake Hamby

Documentary | 61 minutes | United States | 2022 | English


If you know anything about the Darién Gap—a roadless, lawless, sometimes hopeless stretch of jungle between Panama and Colombia—then you know it’s about the last place in the world anyone would want to ride a motorcycle. Except for military veterans Wayne, Simon, Mike and Richard.

From surviving whiteout blizzard conditions in Alaska, to enduring the sweat-soaked misery of the jungle in South America, Where the Road Ends is an honest, unflinching look at life after the military and the questions we all face when the road ahead seems to disappear.

Go Behind the Camera | TMFF Talks

We sat down for a conversation with Where the Road Ends's Wayne Mitchell and Simon Edwards and spoke about the making of the film and some of their challenges and wins.

Watch the Q&A


Directed by

Jake Hamby

Written by

List of writers

Produced by

Wayne Mitchell, Spenser Robert, Brett Walling


Mike Eastham, Simon Edwards, Rich Doering, Wayne Mitchell


Jake Hamby, Michael Cowley


Annie Eastman, Jake Hamby, Jesse Schlutz


List of colorists

Music & Sound

List of music credits


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