In case you missed here, here's this year's (we think) awesome sizzle reel that features clips from the 17 films that will be screening at this year's Festival.
Clips in sizzle reel order...
WAYNE directed by Jeremy Sims, OIL IN THE BLOOD directed by Gareth Max Roberts, NOWHERE FAST directed by Coleman Smith, CROWN LAND directed by The Fellas, DESTINATION GUATEMALA directed by Tolga Basol, BLUE MOUNTAINS IN THE ARCTIC directed by Emil Duvander, ENDLESS | ICELAND directed by Ricki Bedenbagh, ENDLESS | MEXICO directed by Ryan Marcus, THE RACER directed by Alex Harron, MOTORCYCLE MAN directed by Daniel Lovering, FAST AND LEFT directed by Evan H. Senn, THEY CALL ME CHEETAH directed by Will Thomas III, FIRST RIDE directed by Brett Smith, ESCAPE THE CITY LIMITS directed by Alban Terrier, JANE LOVE directed by Andree Ljutica, THE DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMAN directed by Jean Pierre Kathoefer, BLENIO, UTAH directed by Alberto Bernad Vidal and Patrick Botticchio.