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Our Community Weighs In

All the physical distancing has us wanting to hear from our community and how they're navigating the current situation, so on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 we published a series of talks on @torontomotofilmfest IGTV that we're calling ASPECT:RATIO.

We've assembled a group of community and thought-leaders who will be speaking about timely and relevant topics including what public events might look like in the future, the state of the motorcycle industry, the impact of social-distancing on maintaining community and the creative fields, health and wellbeing, business strategy, and more.

See the full lineup of topics and speakers.

We want to hear from you. Please add your comments and thoughts to the videos. Let us know what you've been doing, thinking about, listening to, what you're thankful for, or what concerns you, and how can we help each other out?


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